A Free Soul

I was first introduced to the Art of the Soulmaking project by my mom, Tami Jade, who is an inmate at the Central California Women’s Facility at Chowchilla Prison.
Any Chance Meeting

In every gathering, in any chance meeting on the street, there is a shine, an elegance rising up. Today I recognized that that jewel-like beauty is the presence
Getting Somewhere

“What are we doing here?” I’ve often wondered. How will I ever get somewhere? Getting somewhere has quite an allure to it.
Smoked Trout Spread with Mascarpone, Shallots, and Dill

Smoked fish is a longtime favorite of ours, both in sandwiches and served on crackers as a delicious appetizer for parties and guests. Trout is a wonderful fish with flaky white meat and a lot of flavor.
Free Food Philo: A Coming Home

When the pandemic hit San Francisco in March 2020, we closed our restaurant doors. In the uncertainty of the world, we felt lost and we wondered how we would find our way back to the surface.
SoulStretch Movement Class at CCWF

The first two groups set their mats down when they arrived in the room and my third group, a combination of women 65+, some in wheelchairs and some with their yoga mats, formed a semi-circle for class.
The Land is Our Inheritance

Bare feet. Fruit falling and some still hanging. This apple tree feels like I’m in Eden. The tree of life without the serpent. I think about how it was innate for my ancestors to come to the trees, to know the time for planting them, for eating from them.
Forgiveness Releases the Burden On Your Own Heart

Hello again Laura,
I cannot believe another week has passed already. I am saddened that there are only two weeks left to the group. But I wholeheartedly intend to keep up the practices and tools I’ve re-incorporated into my daily life since beginning this course.
Have You Tried Meditation?

One day Suzuki Roshi said, “Life is basically impossible.” Then he got up and left the zendo. The next day a student asked, “Suzuki Roshi, yesterday you said that life is basically impossible. What are we going to do?”
“You do it,” he replied, “every day.”
Parmesan Cream Shrimp in Roasted Kabocha Boats

There is a precious little country in South America with 3 ½ million people and 30 million free range cows getting fat on the rich pampas grass that grows wild there. This young country, established in 1825, is called Uruguay, “river of the painted birds.”