A Woman’s World: A Feminine Movement

by Sofia Platti

I was raised by a few strong, independent women, the kind of women that came to America with nothing but the dirt from their village and slowly built a foundation for themselves. They never complained about it nor was it a source of pride for them, it simply was and they were following their intuition the whole way through.

And though they had each other throughout it all, there were various times in my life when my mom and grandmother would tell me that I should never lean on anyone for anything and be independent if I wanted to make it as a woman in this world. This has been a personal wrestle of mine, where I have seen other women as a threat to my success, a block to my power.

Enter Women Over Dinner and the women’s movement. Where we create a space where women incontrovertibly remember that we are the jewel, and we have that power. Women. Are. Power. With our vision of reaching 100 million women. I couldn’t do that alone even if I wanted to. And thus ends my search for the truth—can I get by without other women? Not when my purpose is bigger than my fear.

It has required me to drop many layers of pride that say not only do I not need other women, but that I am better than them entirely. I have had to release the mind that calculates the status of every woman in the room and where I stand in the mix. Slowly and over time I have begun unraveling everything outside of myself that I have (attempted to) given my power over to.

This is what I have come to learn about a movement based in the feminine—it is not about tearing down the structures outside of ourselves in rage, but starting within ourselves. Where do I believe I am better than other women? Where do I choose war over making love? Where do I not feed myself so that I can hold true power?

Women Over Dinner is that space where we begin to look inside, where we begin to meet each other in a new room, vulnerable and real. When we feed ourselves as women, we can feed the world from overflow. When I remember my power, I offer myself even to those that my calculating mind would have once dismissed, especially those ones. And not because they need me, but because I need them to remember that I am a woman who has gone into the rooms that I once deemed ugly or disgusting and found love even for those parts of me. And sometimes when it’s more difficult, I share them with a woman I know will love them even if I cannot.

Women Over Dinner is creating a new definition of strong woman. What is wild is that at the end of each dinner, what I feel in the women is a softening around the hard edges. A recognition of our power being inside rather than out. We come together to the table, and drop the separation that has kept us blind.

We nourish, we eat, we connect, we see.

Then we remember that any place anyone does not see is just a place they are hungry. Because we are full, we can offer love until they remember, too. This is a woman’s world. And I can’t do it without you.

Since 2019 Sofia Platti has been a volunteer with Unconditional Freedom when she helped launch Free Food and hosted the weekly volunteer prison pen pal call for the Art of Soulmaking. She is a part of creating the Red Thread Women’s Movement and Women Over Dinner bringing her unwavering passion for women’s sovereignty and the realization of our full potential.

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