Doin’ Life in Prison

(an excerpt from a hip hop song)
by C. Gosztyla, Soulmaker at Central California Women’s Facility

Doin’ life in prison
You ain’t got nothin’ but time
Distractions nowhere to be found
With nowhere to hide.
I find myself on the ground
Reflecting on my life
All I see is me, myself, and I.
Humbling myself now I can see how God
Led me through each and every one of those

Everything happens for a reason.
I wouldn’t be nothing without Him.
The Lord’s not something to be taught.
The Lord’s an experience that has to be sought.
He knew what I needed in order to seek Him.
There was no other way to get my attention
with all those distractions I had to be
left with nothin’…
Nothing but hope in the Lord.

Oh Lord, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Can You see me down here?
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Can You hear me down here?
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
Are You really even there?
Oh Lord

You know what’s funny though
If I had a single life sentence
I’d still be struggling though
Instead of seeking the Lord.
I’d be aiming for ‘dem milestones
Seeing what I could do for me, myself, and I
to get an out date soon.
Instead He gave me five
sentences well past my lifetime.
He knew what I needed though
To humble myself before the Lord.

Now I can honestly say
that I have faith
in the Lord God and pray
Each and every day
Listening, growing, knowing
That He’s got me
and one day… I will go home
But not by my hand
but by His alone.

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