Living Proof

by Miguel Venancio

Dear Unconditional Freedom Team,

Hope this letter finds everyone at the Unconditional Freedom team in the best of health. My name is Miguel Venancio, and I’m currently incarcerated at Kern Valley State Prison. I’m writing to express my deepest gratitude for The Art of Soulmaking course on the Edovo platform, which has profoundly impacted my life. As an incarcerated individual, I’ve struggled to find purpose and hope. Your program has been a beacon of light, guiding me toward transformation.

Through The Art of Soulmaking, I have discovered resilience in the face of adversity, self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and a sense of connection. Your course helped me confront my past, reframe my identity, and envision a brighter future. The resources and information on self inquiry, yoga, meditation, and creative expression was invaluable.

I’ve written a personal story, “My Journey to Unconditional Freedom” detailing how The Art of Soulmaking transformed my life. I’d like to share it with you, hoping it inspires others and showcases the impact of your work.

Thank you for providing a safe space for growth and self-discovery, empowering incarcerated individuals like myself, offering tools for positive change, demonstrating compassion and understanding.

Your dedication to restoring dignity and promoting unconditional freedom is remarkable. I’m grateful to be part of this journey.

Please find attached my story, my journey to unconditional freedom. I hope it serves as a testament to the transformative power of The Art of Soulmaking.


Miguel Venancio
Kern Valley State Prison

My Journey to Unconditional Freedom

I’ll never forget the darkness that once consumed me. Growing up in poverty, surrounded by gang violence, and struggling to find a place in the dangerous streets of the North End in Los Angeles, it seemed like my fate was sealed. Incarceration with a 25-to-life sentence only reinforced that feeling.

But then, something changed. The Art of Soulmaking, an eight-week correspondence course, landed in my hands through the Edovo platform on my tablet. At first, I was skeptical, but desperation for change drove me to dive in.

Week by week, I immersed myself in the tablet’s workbook guidance on self inquiry, Yoga (which I had never done before), meditation, and creative expression. Slowly the fog started lifting, and I began to see:

That I am not my circumstances.
My past doesn’t define me.
And that I have a purpose.

Yoga and meditation calmed the storms within, allowing me to confront my demons and envision a brighter future. Creative expression, unleashed a torment of emotions, and I poured my heart onto the paper through poetry and art.

Soul Letters exchanged with a penpal from the Order of Malta penpal program, bridged the gap between isolation and connection. For the first time, I felt seen, heard, and understood.

The Art of Soulmaking became a sanctuary, my guiding light in the darkness. This course wasn’t just about personal growth, it was a rebirth.

As I completed the course, with an Edovo certificate, I knew the true prize was the person I had become. A resilient, creative, and compassionate individual.

I realized that my struggles, though painful, were not unique. As others were fighting similar battles, and I wanted to help.

The Art of Soulmaking ignited a fire within me, illuminating a path to unconditional freedom. I now walk this path, determined to share my story, inspiring others to seek transformation, use my experience to uplift and support those struggling, and create opportunities for growth and positive change.

My journey is far from perfect, but I’m no longer the same person. The Art of Soulmaking has given me the tools, resources, and confidence to forge ahead to a new path.

I am living proof that transformation is possible.

Miguel Venancio

An incarcerated Soulmaker at Kern Valley State Prison in California, Miguel Venancio holds two Associate’s degrees in Communications and Liberal Arts from Bakersfield College. A GED recipient turned college graduate, Miguel embodies determination and creative expression.

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