Join us in serving love and dignity through food – wherever you are
Free Food started by serving sit down meals in the Tenderloin in San Francisco, and then expanded to Santa Rosa, Philo, and Ukiah CA.
We now have pop up branches launching all over the country, and even internationally.
We call our efforts Free Food as we are liberating ideas around food, meaning that anyone, anywhere can have access to nourishing, delicious food. Friends have started Free Food Harlem, Free Food LA, Free Food Palo Alto, Free Food Oakland, Free Food San Diego, Free Food Tijuana and more!
What we’ve found is regardless the location, the population or the specific food we serve, the essence and love of what we do is the same. We pour out love through food, and in the process nourish ourselves.

Interested in starting Free Food where you live?
You will need:
- People to serve – Find a group of people who live on the on the street, a shelter, service workers, friends or community members in need. Anyone who could use some extra love. You can start by feeding four neighbors, or you can feed 200 people at a church.
- Space – You can cook out of a commercial kitchen or find a restaurant, church or community center that will sponsor you and let you use their space. Follow best practices for Food Safety in your county. If you’re not the cooking type but still want to participate, consider finding a restaurant to donate or sell already prepared meals to you and you can pass them out.
- Volunteers – You can do Free Food on your own, but we especially love how food connects us to others. Gather your friends, community group, co-workers, family and pick a time to cook together.
- Ingredients – purchase ingredients or get them donated. Farmers, Farmers’ markets, local businesses and larger chains often are so happy to give excess away. We serve all sorts of meals, and put an emphasis on farm-to-table, organic, healthful food like what you’d find at a top restaurant. Make sure you’re serving something that you are excited and delighted to eat and that the ingredients reflect that quality.
*COMING SOON* check out our videos and tips on how to get started:

Who to Serve
Creating a Menu
Talking to Donors
Adding Beauty
Contact us to let us know you’re interested and choose your first event! We’ll send you suggested timelines, templates for donations, and customized You Are Loved napkins to get you started.

Disclaimer: Unconditional Freedom (UF) is disclaiming all responsibility for the, “How to” instructions, including, without limitation, whether food is prepared or delivered in compliance with any Health & Safety regulations or any other applicable law; that UF disclaims any insurable liability for use of the instructions, food, or its delivery to recipients thereof. UF has no financial interest in the recipient’s or of the recipient’s use of the information or the recipient’s organization. Use of the information is strictly at the risk of and liability of the recipient