Turning Prisons into Monasteries

The Unconditional Freedom Project’s mission is to turn prisons into monasteries. We aim to create flourishing members of society by recasting the penitentiary as a place to contemplate and meaningfully contribute. We currently run programs at the local juvenile hall and county jail, as well as the country’s largest women’s prison. During the pandemic, we […]

First Soulmaking Yoga Class

We stacked the Hugger Mugger donated mats so high on our rolling cart, they almost toppled off. Before heading over to the women’s housing unit, we called the tower and the deputy on duty told us the participants were waiting for us with “great anticipation.” We, too, felt excited. Tonight’s yoga class was not only […]

Our First 100 Letters!

This week we hit 100 letters received from women enrolled in our Art of Soulmaking course at a state facility in California!  The letter correspondence has been an incredibly moving journey. The volunteers share that the experiences range the full spectrum of connection from funny to creative to powerfully insightful. Art of Soulmaking letters can […]

How We Got Started

This time last year we were huddled around in our dining room, just beginning to catch our breath from the shock of a global pandemic and settling in to washing our hands 14 times a day, social distancing, and treating our dear friends who went out to the grocery store or post office like contaminated […]

Art of Soulmaking Mentorship Program

Today we mailed out our first Art of Soulmaking Group Facilitation packet full of scripts and readings to help the mentors guide these sessions.